Wormcast ~ Pro Tea

- Contains abundant numbers of beneficial microorganisms
- Rich in Humic and Fulvic acids
- Beneficial bacteria, yeasts and fungi
- Chemical antagonists such as Phenols Amino acids
- Plant Hormones and Enzymes
- 100% Organic
- Independent technical trial data
- Easy to use and apply
- Safe and complimentary to biological control with predators
What does Wormcast ~ Pro Tea offer?
Wormcast ~ Pro Tea is a ready to use concentrated organic liquid extract for plant growth and health
Q Why does Wormcast ~ Pro Tea offer something totally new for Commercial growers?
A At last you have a ready to use product no capital expenditure for equipment no hassle of brewing.
Q What type of product is Wormcast ~ Pro Tea
A Our products are biostimulants made from natural organic materials worked by earthworms.
Q Why is Wormcast ~ pro tea Described as organic?
A Wormcast ~ Pro Tea is a liquid extraction derived from totally organic products with no chemical additives so it is entirely safe for both people and plants.
Q How do I apply Wormcast ~ Pro Tea?
A Wormcast ~ Pro Tea is applied as a drench or a foliar spray.
Amazing results
Q Why is Wormcast ~ Pro Tea called probiotic?
A It contains huge numbers of Beneficial micro organisms - friendly bacteria, fungi and other micro organisms that deliver enhanced plant growth and health.
Q What is the research evidence to explain the astonishing results when plants are treated with a Wormcast ~ Pro Tea programme?
A Technical research at Ohio State University, USA. Some of the beneficial micro organisms Enhance growth by unlocking and making nutrients more readily available to roots, and this goes some way to explaining the amazing results. However, others also provide natural plant hormones which encourage root development and strengthen stems. In addition, the diversity of microbial life present gives significant disease suppression of a wide range of plant diseases including Phytophthora, mildew, Botrytis, leaf spot diseases, Phomopsis, and leaf blight.
Significant suppression of sucking pests
Q Does Wormcast ~ Pro Tea have suppressive effects on insect pests?
A Significant suppressive effects for sucking pests such as mealy bug, scale insects, aphids and red spider mite have been observed by researchers at Ohio State University. Pest populations on treated plants have been significantly reduced over time in comparison with untreated plants.
Q Will this effect biological control with predators?
A This natural suppressive effect on pests compliments and is safe for the predators used in biological control.

With Pro ~ T
At normal dilution rates 1:1000