William Sinclair offer environmentally friendly alternative to fungicides

William Sinclair Horticulture Ltd now offer "Wormcast~Pro" from ORM Professional Products as a Compost additive to their range of professional composts for the Horticultural Industry.
As chemicals become increasingly restricted, more growers are looking for natural alternatives to achieve strong healthy plants through plant production and propagation. "William Sinclair are always looking for new and innovative ideas and are particularly interested in sourcing environmentally friendly products" said Andrea Marshall Technical Marketing Manager. "The Wormcast~Pro has provided us with a good natural alternative to some of the fungicides we have incorporated into our compost in the past. We have looked at the data available from the trials and this has indicated that the Wormcast~Pro encourages strong healthy growth, improves disease resistance and generally helps promote and maintain the well being of the plants."
ORM Professional Products Ltd offers natural and economical alternatives to chemicals. The beneficial micro organisms in wormcast products promote and stimulate a strong healthy root system from the word go, resulting in plants that are more resistant to attack by plant pathogens.